Jawshan al Kabeer:
Dua Jawshan al Kabeer is one of the most power duas that has reached us from the Holy Prophet(s). Provided here is a brief analysis of this dua proving it’s reference from the Noble Qur’an. Utilize this Dua around the year, especially in the nights of Qadr. It is available in English, Arabic and French languages.
Last Call:
During the final hours of the Ashura, Imam Husayn (a) called out a cry for his assistance. Even after 1400 years, this call still captivates the hearts of the lovers of Imam Husayn (a). But do we really know how Imam Husayn (a) wanted us to transform through his call? Read this pdf to find out!
Dua Arafah & The Forgotten Mercy:
Imam Husayn's (a) Dua Arafah beautifully depicts the human body as a reflection of the forgotten mercy bestowed by the Lord. In his poignant words, he unveils the divine grace intricately woven into our very existence, urging us to awaken to this neglected aspect of God's compassion. Through this profound prayer, he implores us to rediscover the forgotten mercy and seek spiritual renewal in our connection with the Almighty.
The Fadak Claim:
Sayyida Fatimah's (sa) Fadak claim is still greatly misunderstood by many in this age. Despite having a proof of her Sermon in which she presented the evidence for her claim, many wonder what was the need to claim the land of Fadak. This pdf explores some of the reasons that construct the foundation for Sayyida Fatimah's (sa) claim.